Frequently Asked Question
Q: How can my business qualify for the Champ Plan?
If you employ at least 20 or more W-2 employees earning over $25k/year, your business will qualify.
Q: My enrollment period for our health plan does not start until the end of the year. Will I have to wait until then?
No. This is not major medical and will not compete with your current plan. With the Champ Plan you can enroll during any payroll period throughout the year.
Q: Will a local provider be available for my employees through the Champ Plan?
Champion Health has partnered with First Health Providers, the third largest network of providers in the U.S. There will likely be both providers and urgent care facilities located nearby that will accept the Champ Plan.
Q: Where can my employees get their low cost prescriptions filled?
With over 70,000 locations, there will be a local pharmacy nearby that will accept the Champ Plan.
Q: How can I see the ways my business will benefit?
You can contact our benefits team. With a few basic payroll reports, we will have a custom analysis prepared for your business within 48 hours.
Q: How long will it take for the Champ Plan to be live for my business?
Once your analysis is complete and you’re on boarding documents are submitted, there is an education and enrollment period of 2-3 weeks. Typically it will be 3-4 weeks from start to finish.
Q: How do I get started?
Simply complete this form and reserve your 15 minute time slot with one of our benefit specialists. We will guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.